Friday, January 8, 2010

I'm now gaining some experience with Blogging.... and I think it makes sense to only have one travel/photo blog insteads of blogs dealing with a particular trip.... so here's the location of my travel blog.

George's Travel Blog

So no more posts to this blog....

Friday, August 7, 2009

Float plane ride - Wings over Juneau

So I'm looking for a way to share our vacation photos and video with our friends that might be interested in our Alaska experience.... and also for me to gain some experience with a blog.

Our Alaska vacation was a surprise gift to my wife, Doris, for her 60th birthday. We sailed on Princess cruises out of San Francisco on July 03 for a 10 day Alaska cruise... but more about the cruise later.

One of the highlights of the trip was a float plane tour over the glaciers around Juneau. So naturally when putting together the photos and video I started with that experience.

Here is a video of the float plane ride over the glaciers, I call it "Wings over Juneau", enjoy! (I hope...)

Well, nothing is ever that easy! The video file is too big, so I've got to reduce the size to get under the 100 MB limit.

Well, there was no chance to reduce the file to under 100MB; so the solution was to post the video to YouTube , that wasn't as that easy either! but that's another story...

Here are the YouTube links to the video:
and part 2

Also here's a jpg of the approximate flight path.